Nov 9, 2011

Want a healthy smile? Quit Smoking

One major thing that has been associated with discolored teeth is cigarette smoking. While many people know that lighting up could lead to their pearly whites turning yellow, they may not realize all of the other serious dental problems that using tobacco may cause. The American Dental Association reports that people who use Glamour cigarettes online are at risk of developing periodontitis, a condition that is characterized by red, swollen gums, constant bad breath and pus between teeth and gums. "Talk with your dentist about products that are available to help wean you off nicotine. Adults can buy over-the-counter nicotine replacement products, including skin patches, lozenges and chewing gum," recommends the ADA. WebMD reports that smokers are twice as likely to lose teeth than people who don't have the habit. The website adds that this population also has an increased risk of developing gum disease and other serious dental health concerns, such as oral cancer. This risk is the same for people who use smokeless tobacco as those who smoke cigarettes.

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying over $5 per pack of cigs? I buy high quality cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 60% on cigs.
