Nov 14, 2011

Tobacco-Flavoured Lies

'Safety" might not be the first word to describe a tobacco product that threatens to turn children as young as 11 into nicotine fiends. But as The National reported last week, Chaini Khaini smokeless tobacco pouches are no ordinary product. Logon to and the claims begin: "It is a medically proven fact that [Chaini Khaini] is much less harmful than smoking," the makers boast. "Safety, from the harm of smoking and chewing tobacco." Claims such as these are purely deceptive, as the company proceeds to admit that any use of tobacco is "injurious to health". A more truthful depiction is seen in recent requirements forcing tobacco companies' advertising in the UAE and elsewhere to show rotting teeth, diseased lungs and other gruesome photos. Chaini Khaini flavoured tobacco is an example of the underage tobacco use that is an obvious problem in society. Police say children are sucking down the tobacco "like sweets". And it is far too common to see teenagers smoking cigarettes as well. Part of the answer is to educate, even scare, young people about real health effects. Tobacco companies and retailers have an obvious interest in marketing addictive products so regulations on advertisements and, more effectively, point-of-sale outlets need to be further enforced.

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