Jan 5, 2012

Youngsters in Sussex Buy Cigarettes

One in eight young people in Sussex are being hoodwinked by cigarette packaging. Just over 12% of 16-25 year-olds surveyed for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) believed one branded cigarette pack was less harmful than another based on the packet design alone. However all cigarettes contain harmful toxins, tar, and carbon monoxide. The report is published ahead of a government consultation on whether Britain should adopt plain packaging for tobacco products. One in six said they'd consider the pack design when deciding which cigarettes to buy while one in nine said they'd choose a brand because it was considered cool. Most of those surveyed, 88%, thought plain packs were less attractive than branded packs - showing how plain packaging could make a significant difference in deterring young smokers. A ban on selling cigarettes from vending machines came into force in October.

Jan 3, 2012

Open Air Smoking Ban Starts in East Bay

Starting Monday, smokers in Alameda are going to find the places they can light up cheap Classic cigarette much more limited. A law takes effect that cuts back the public locations and places of employment where smoking is legally allowed. The banned areas include any commercial-area sidewalks, including downtown shopping and business areas, and any outdoor seating at restaurants, bars and coffee shops. It will also include public events like farmers markets and fairs, and any parks, trails, sports fields or beaches.