Feb 1, 2012

Second-hand Smoke in California

If official statistics are to be trusted, the state of California has less smokers than any other state in the U.S., except Missouri. Good for them, right? After all, it has been scientifically proved that smoking cheapest Marlboro cigarettes is hazardous for your health. But California still has a long way to go, because a recent study coming from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research estimates that nearly 2.5 million children in the state are exposed to secondhand smoke. That is, they live in homes where other people smoke inside, whether or not they're allowed to. Exposure to secondhand smoke, by the way, is just as bad as if you were doing the smoking. For starters, it poses many of the same health hazards. Young children whose relatives smoke near them have a greater risk of being asthmatic or suffering from all sorts of respiratory illnesses.

Jan 31, 2012

Electronic Cigarettes The Future of Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is just not cool anymore. And that’s a good thing: According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 443,000 Americans die every year from tobacco use, and 49,000 of those deaths are caused by second-hand smoke. Of course, the problem is that quitting smoking is so difficult that many never put out their last butt until it’s far, far too late. The CDC reported Thursday that, while 68.8 percent of smokers wish they could quit, and 52 percent have tried to quit in the last year, only 6 percent manage to do so entirely. One of the reasons quitting is so staggeringly difficult — and you will rarely hear anyone admit this — is that smoking tax free Golden Gate cigarettes is awesome. Sure, that’s the nicotine talking, as any non-smoker will snobbishly tell you. But that’s not the whole story, either.