Dec 15, 2010

Kids Smoke Free Cigarettes

A jury has ruled the Lorillard Tobacco Co. tried to entice black children to become smokers by handing out free Dunhill cigarettes and has awarded $71 million in compensatory damages to the estate and son of a woman who died of lung cancer. The Suffolk Superior Court jury announced its verdict Tuesday after hearing weeks of testimony.

Dec 13, 2010

Smoking Should be Prohibited on Campus

Allowing smoking on campus is an institutional endorsement to disregard public health. Smokers, as people and as members of this institution, have rights. I’m going to maintain that smokers even have the right to smoke Bond, just like any one of us has the right to go to Five Guys every day and ingest burgers and fries to our future heart disease’s content. However, like eating foods with high levels of saturated fat, smoking is a health hazard.