Nov 1, 2011

Smoke-Free Jackson County

Kellie Lamb would like to see smokers in Jackson County put their cigarettes out. She'd also like to see smokeless tobacco users throw away the can or pouch. Lamb, the health promotions coordinator for the Mississippi Tobacco Free Coalition for Jackson County, says her mission of educating the public about the health risks of using tobacco is more than a job. "Thirteen Mississippians die a day from smoking," said Lamb. "I went into this field and especially tobacco education because I have a passion for promoting a healthy lifestyle. "I also take pleasure in working with children as well as interacting with the general public, so while I do that I can spread a healthy message." Funded by a grant from the Mississippi Department of Health, Lamb recently met with 28 children at the Mary B. Ruddiman Unit of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Jackson County. The hands-on presentation is part of Red Ribbon Week, the national drug prevention initiative.