Oct 17, 2012

Falls Prohibits Smoking on Parks, Smoke-Free

To keep the peace, Falls officials have decided on a smoking ban within their parks. The supervisors agreed unanimously Tuesday night to ban the use of all tobacco products within 50 feet of any township-owned park. The issue came to the board’s attention at the Aug. 21 meeting after members were made aware of an incident between two unidentified males. “There was an issue over the summer with two adults who got into an altercation that was almost a little violent. The parent didn't want their child exposed to smoke,” said Chairman Robert Harvie. The incident in question escalated after the male refused to put out the cigarette which angered the father of the young child. Although the incident did not escalate to violence, the board found it was enough motivation to approve the measure. The ordinance specifically denies the use of any lit cigarette, cigar, pipe or other lit smoking instruments. The use of smokeless tobacco products are also prohibited within community parks. The new ordinance will take effect in five days, with signs being posted displaying the ban. Smoking will be banned in all of the townships community parks, including playgrounds, pavilions, dog and skate parks. Violators will face fines up to $600 with each offense. Fines will be assessed under the discretion of the district court, according Harvie. Each daily violation will be considered an isolated offense and violators will be subject to a separate penalty. Park rangers will be enforcing the rule, but will use the assistance of police to write tickets. A similar tobacco ban was recently passed in nearby Morrisville in July, with some debate over how the rule would be enforced.

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