Jul 26, 2012

Tobacco Businesses, Youth Smokers

Though some retailers abide by the rules when it comes to selling tobacco products to underage residents, there are unfortunately some who still try to get by not follow state law. While many clerks already have other materials available to them, it was reported many are still unsure about WV State Code 16-9A-2 prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minor youth and still, at times, get confused when checking birth dates on IDs. Due to high personnel turnover, many retailers have to train employees on a regular basis. This was also the reason for the development and distibution of the See Red? Retailer Education materials. Funded with Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grant funds administered through the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources; Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, the “See Red?” material was sent to all retailers in the state. The retailer education material consist of two flyers (for display purposes) and stickers for registers to remind clerks of the law. It was reported the “See Red?” materials were developed for ease in reminding owners/corporations and their clerks not to sell tobacco products to customers under the age of 18, since many do not have a lot of time to read through volumes of information. The message contained in the material tells the retailer to be aware that it is illegal to sell tobacco products to youth under the age of 18. Tobacco products include: cigarettes, cigarette papers, pipes, cigars, blunts, small cigars (cigarillos), snuff, and chewing tobacco which includes snus and other types of tobacco products. Retailers are also advised to always ask for ID when selling tobacco products and make sure that the ID isn’t false. It was reported there are two WV Graduated Driver’s license for youth under the age of 18 which are currently valid ID’s. One license, which is being phased out, has a vibrant red background with a yellow bar along the side of the photo that shows the date the person turns 18. This license is no longer valid upon the date of expiration. The second license still has a red background but has the dates the youth turns 18 and 21 listed in the upper right-hand corner of the license. Clerks should make sure to closely check the date of birth using the red color coding (background of the license) as a red flag. Should the customer try to buy tobacco product prior to the 18th birthday listed on their license, they are not old enough to do so. They are also advised that if a youth doesn’t have an ID, not to sell. It’s not worth the risk of being fined, or in some cases, being fired.

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