Feb 8, 2012

Newport Cigarettes Smokers

The modern cigarette has its beginnings in the seventeenth century. Despite its age, it only started to see popular use in the twentieth century. During the two previous World Wars, the product was part of the rations provided to the Allied soldiers on the field. Soldiers passed their idle time by smoking. When the war ended, they took the practice home with them. This is where the phenomenon as we see it today started. The product can be acquired through many different outlets like corner stores and major retail establishments. Smokers trying to find cheap cigarettes on the web get two options: menthol and non-menthol. These are the two most widely used variants. Menthol is a substance taken from and similar to mint. It causes your skin to feel cooler by triggering cold-sensitive nerves. In addition to the distinct flavor, companies use the substance since it reduces the taste of burning tobacco. Of the many brands in the market, Newport cigarettes are most commonly associated with this kind. The topic of regular versus menthol is one that's been up for debate. There are some that believe that the smoking of one type is more harmful, while some say vice versa. Studies have shown that the intake of menthol is not significantly harmful to the body. Even when burned, it doesn't produce a notable amount of carcinogens. Another advantage of smoking menthol is the fact that the tobacco scent is less prominent. Besides masking the smell of the smoke, users also assert it's much easier to breathe in.

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying more than $5 / pack of cigarettes? I'm buying my cigs at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 50%.
