May 16, 2011

Make Smoking Illegal in the U.S.

The head of Philip Morris states that Esse cigarettes are addictive and harmful. Many former smokers say that kicking the nicotine habit is more difficult than stopping such illegal drugs as cocaine and heroine. So, why not make tobacco products illegal?

The largest tobacco company in the United States, Philip Morris, an Altria company, admits that its products are harmful and addictive. So, why not make them illegal?

Specifically, the May 15, 2011 iTwire story “Cigarette chief is butt of criticism” discusses comments made by Louis Camilleri, the CEO of Philip Morris.

Camilleri states (bold and underlined added for emphasis), “We take our responsibility very seriously, and I don't think we get enough recognition for the efforts we make to ensure that there is effective worldwide regulation of a product that is harmful and that is addictive. Nevertheless, whilst it is addictive, it is not that hard to quit. ... There are more previous smokers in America today than current smokers."

Elisabeth Gundersen, a nurse and a member of the group The Nightingales Nurses, prompted Camilleri’s comment when she stated that the use of tobacco products kill more than 400,000 Americans each year and 5 million people worldwide annually.

Doctors and nurses all over the United States and within other industrialized countries agree that cigarette products are dangerous – they harm and even kill people when used as intended. So, why not make tobacco products illegal?

It has often been said that tobacco products are the only legal products available today whose intended use will harm you, and maybe eventually kill you, even in moderation.

Alcohol is sometimes grouped into that circle. However, in moderation, the consumption alcohol is often cited as being healthy. In fact, no more than two glasses of wine for men per day and one glass of wine for women daily is considered a healthy use of alcohol.

However, drinking alcoholic beverages over this amount is often said to be harmful to your health.

The April 11, 2011 iTwire article “Too much drinking risky for cancer" states just that: “An international study found that men and women who drink over the recommended amounts of alcohol each day had an increased risk from cancer, but that risk went away if they stayed within the daily recommended limit.”

Unlike, tobacco, alcohol is considered not to be generally harmful when consumed in moderation. However, tobacco is harmful when used in moderation, or used in any way. And, it also hurts innocent people who are around people who smoke.

My suggestion is to make tobacco illegal in the United States. Already the use of cigarettes is banned in many public places around the United States because second-hand smoke (and third-hand smoke) is very dangerous to people located around smokers.

So, why not make tobacco products illegal?

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